A Prayer for the Fallen

Members Involved

Jin (Solaar) Kain (Omega) Damocle Sion (Anubis) Voltz (Blitzkrieg) Ramon (Fandango)

Mission Relator
The One who filled the Report: Kain

"Rest in Peace, Child, your struggle is over… Now it’s up to us to fight for you too…"


Part 1: The Thing that Should not Be

After the Briefing, the team headed for the hospital where a clone of Evelin Sommers was under medical care; in fact, Tyron substituted the poor girl after her abduction, leaving a souless doll in her place, dismissing her case as unrevertible coma. The insertion was not a problem and the team could easily reach the body’s room without interference. A last farewell was given to the girl athough what was lying there was nothing more than an empty shell with no hope of recovering. Solaar turned off personally the Vital support system giving Evelin the Last Death. While the emergency personnel scrambled in action, the team left the building with calm, leaving behind what they believed to be the last hadow of their nightmare.

Part 2: Dear Fallen Angel

Waiting for the following day, the team estabilished the HQ in a hotel nearby, with Solaar exposing which would have been the next steps in his plan. The day after, we reached Sommers’s, where we took our mourning to Evelin’s mother. The woman was destroyed by the recent death of her daughter, but, perhaps, what really killed her was the false hope Tyron kept alive in her for a possible recover with the medical cares. Under the cover of a Military Accademy, the team promised to take part into the coming funeral. The following day, each member spoke at the cerimony giving a last goodbye to Evelin’s Memory.

Part 3: Evil Inside

Thanks to supernatural senses, the team perceived a source of deep corruption nearby, and shortly thereafter they could pinpoint a member of the medical staff who took care of Evelin during her "Coma". Using Damocle’s Heightened Senses, the Doc’s pland to have the team followed was intercepted and countered; the men who were sent scouting behind them were disoriented in the first place by having their target split up into two groups then pinning down their chasers. Under interrogation, the men did not reveal any significant detail, but given the chance they injected in their system a compound later iderntified as an exerimental Tyron combat drug and tied to force their way out. Even so powered up, they were no match for real Zooanthropes and meet their doom in such confrontation. Only one of them was able to buy his way out with false promises and immediately ran to inform the Doctor about the mysterious young men and their incredible combat prowess; from this one, the team could retrieve a sample of the Combat Drug still unused and so they were able to take it back to the HQ for further investigation. Since the team assigned a man to the fugitive’s surveillance, the squad was able to establish a sure link between these men, Tyron and the Doctor and they immediately moved out to prevent any information leak beyond what already happened. The team intercepted the Doc’s Limousine and forced it into a side road where they could face the man personally. Damocle operated personaly the man’s interrogatoty, using subtle psichology on him, having him believe that he was no less than the chief commander from whom he received orders without ever seeing his face. Once all the information was gleaned from the situation and all the man’s dark and sick scheming were confessed, Solaar decreeted his Death Sentence and personally slew the one who provided tens of young "Specimens" to Tyron’s Labs without any remorse.

Farewell to Thee, Evelin…
