No, No, NO! I Want You!

Members Involved

Kain (Omega) Lara (Luna) Sion (Anubis) Ramon (Fandango) Sara (Dyna Blaster)

Mission Relator
The One who filled the Report: Lara

"This assignement began with a way too low profile, discarded by the "Brasses" as a loss of time meant for happy-go-lucky puppies. Perhaps everything could just turn out to be a straight and boring investigation over a single and obvious suspect... Well... That just isn't my style. Lucky us that I could put some spice over this way too classic dish..."


Part 1: Show Biz

The first prority the team had was to establish fake identities among the WWF star system; in order to do so, we were assigned a PR agent who was already introduced in such world. He, obviously, didn't know anything about the supernatural origins of his new starlets and seemed quite happy to meet such fine looking and athletic youngs. The team, especially Ramon and Sion, immediately got to work making up fake characters for their wrestling career and pushed our Agent into finding good contacts for a formal introduction into the WWF. As expected, this in turn led to a great waste of time made of dressing room tours and autographs stolen to the "Stars", activities that I was begged to file in this report as "Infiltration Activities". Some days later, the team was able to set up its first encounter and it was a really lucky shot: it was to appear into a "Big Stars Rumble" as Sidekicks and Disturbing Element, a part that surely would catch the eye. After this squallid commedy was over, we gained much renown into the showbiz and could near many of the greatest stars, also, our agent was now able to fix many shows in accord with such "big shots". However, in this line of conduit, there was no sign of our true target, even if I was also begged to label this shit as "Nearing the Target of Investigation".

Part 2: EarthQuake

After receiving precise orders to continue our investigation, sent directly by the Team Coordinator, Aya, even the most time looser of the team member was forced to find a quicker solution to our problem. It was then decided that the team had to track down the moves of Lethal Tornado, our target. In the very first tracking activity, the team Alpha Squad (Lara and Sion), followed the target up to his gym were he attended his training. It was thereby decided that the situation needed some new flavor and so we decided to shake the stillness with a surprise move: Luna and Anubis were to engage Lethal Tornado in a fight in order to test his real capabilities. With a simple excuse, we picked a fight with the wrestler and the test gave a fair amount of info about the subject: he was incredibly strong (by human standards) and resistent, was quick to anger and, most imporant, able to stand massive amount of damage. We left the stage before anyone got killed and retreated to examine the data; Tornado was seen leaving the Gym a short after, apparently unharmed, which also confirmed the presence of regenerative abilities. All clues pointed to the fact that there had to be some connection between Tyron and Tornado, or he was another Zooanthrope on the loose, which in turn meant that with all the show he put up, Tyron wouldn't have been much far. What was not calculated, however, was that, as Tornado did, We too put up a great show and this did not pass undetected by Tyron surveillance. Two hours later, the bell of our suite rang and a Tyron assault team broke in; luckyly they did not know that we were fully abilited Zooanthrope with a knack for tactics, so they got there only with a force meant to retrieve some young immature zooanthrope. Nonetheless, we were hardly pressed and we nearly faced a casuality; alas, when Tyron forces understood that they faced defeat, they did not hesitate to blow themselves up with the whole hotel: civilian casualities were high, too much high. We retrieved our agent and retreated to a safe hiding place where we tried to put ourselves back on track.

Part 3: Turning Point

After having secured its position, the team decided to strike back, solving the matters as quikly as possible; it was then decided to break into Tornado's hotel room and perform an extended search for every clue to the solution of this case.We found two unidentified specimens of a strange liquid, at that time we marked it as some kind of Tyron experimental drug: one was a little vial hidden in the pocket of Tornado's Jacket, the other was a briefcase full of larger vials hidden behind the bed. This pointed out that surely Tornado was assuming such specimen, whatever they were, and that such assumption went on for a long time. By that time, our inspection was disturbed by the arrival of Tornado's manager. He was armed, and managed to notice our presence in the room, probably due to our distraction in the hiding procedure; however, he was an easy target to overcome and we could capture him with no problems. We were not prepared, however, to what he said: he did not deny the knowledge of what was hidden in the briefcase he came back to retrieve, however, he said he stumbled upon it while dealing with obscure figures. He also knew the effects that such drug had on those who tried it and, from what he said, we could understand that a Tyron involvment was almost sure. The man also spoke of a little group of young men that he got together in order to form some kind of elite force to strike back at this obscure organization; finding the matter worthy of a deeper inspection, we had the man take contact and lead us to his hideout telling him we were probably on the same side. Alas, we made many mistakes at this point and not having the full picture clear is our only excuse: the man, in fact, was a Tyron developer or some kind of low level manager, with no real power in himself, but nonetheless with access to the company resources. He was probably after Tornado because he seemed to respond well to the treatment with this new kind of drug: the man probably took for himself some specimens without warning any superior in order to test Tornado away from the eyes of the big bosses, hoping to get a lucky shot and go back to the company with a fully grown and functional artificial Zooanthrope. This would have granted him much success and power within Tyron ranks and, when he knew that there was someone as powerful as Tornado, thought that if he could lay his hands on some TRUE Zooanthrope, he could waste Tornado's porject and go back to Tyron with a great prize. This is why he probably sent that first squad after us at the Hotel, he hoped to confirm his suspects about the presence of Zooanthropes in the area. Since some team member assumed Crinos Form during the fight, he had what he sent them for; however, he probably ran out of founds, at least those that he could use without raising suspicion, and decided to go back to the Tornado's project or to close every activity and erase all proofs. At this point we stumbled upon him and, with little care, told him that we were similar to what he did to Tornado: this was enough to tell him we were the Zooanthrope he was after. Albeit we did not really believe the story he told, he was convincing enough to us to let him phone to his "pupils" telling them he was coming back with some help in their mission. We did not verify anything of that call right then, and that proved extremely dangerous: he, in fact, never called his non-existing pupils, he called his bosses, instead, telling them that he had the Zooanthropes he probably boasted about and that he was going to take them back. Wary but still unknwing of the Hell that was waiting for us, we left for the hideout

Part 4: Entrapment

We escorted the man while another team followed in the shadows, once on the spot, we were able to detect the presence of snipers on the roofs; this warned us of the trap, but did not prepare us for its lethality. We acted as if we did not notice and let the man guide us into an abandoned warehouse; there, four men dressed in long black surcoats met with us. The man seemed quite shaken by their presence and they sure did not act as if he was their chief; at this point Hell broke loose. The men knew that our second team was nearby and probably thought that at that point the man was only a nuisance; they executed him on the spot before any explanation and tried to capture our whole team. This were not common Tyron foot soldiers, but New Generation Zooanthropes fully functional and well trained; we were able to escape capture only because they were once again unprepared for our number,  so we could terminate the snipers and hide while the Tryon squad searched to no avail. We decided however to inspect the warehouse better and re-entered the zone once all had calmed a bit: inside there was a TIR waiting, with a man dressed in corp attire nearby. Decided to inspect closely the truck, one of our units entered the back of the Tir and found himself ensnared into a magic circle against which he was helpless. The man was probablly one of Tyron leaders, one with arcane powers, who was waiting for the Zooanthrope to be retrieved and we went straight into the trap without the aid of the Retrieve Squads. The truck left with our teammate on board and we got to the rescue. Only after a long and dangerous fight we were able to distance the Tyron Escort and to take the TIR far enough to have the spell cease its effects and free our memeber. Then we urged back to our hideout and planned our next move more carefully.

Part 5: The Last Show

It was time to understand if Tornado was part of this plan or not. We asked for some support from the HQ and they provided us with the Help of the Demolition Expert Dyna Blaster; we openly challenged Tornado during one of the WWF shows in order to have him face to face and to extract him for further interrogation. We moved in to set the stage for this last show, so we entered the stadium and with D.B.'s help we prepared the place for the final rendezvous with fireworks, surveillance system and the like, just in case Tyron showed up. The next day, two of our men went on the ring and, during a brutal fight, they made Tornado unconscious and we spectacularily proceeded to the extraction. Once away from the public's preying eyes, we bound Tornado so that he could not react and waited for his regenartive process to take place. We were not disappointed and he soon healed his fatal wounds, waking up. The interrogation proved that he effectively didn't know anything about this kind of experiment, he simply believed to be assuming some kind of vitaminic reintegrator and that his strength was genuine; he was devastated to know that all his success depended on such a trick, he truly was an honorable fighter. Worried about what Tyron would have done to him, we decided to set an ambush for any pursuit team that still was surveilling Tornado, but such ambush proved futile: the man who died in the warehouse had been quite successful into hiding his project to the eyes of his superiors and, now that he was gone, nobody knew about Tornado's existence anymore. It seemed that the man called in Tyron Main Branch only to help him in capturing us, while he meant to secretly terminate Tornado in order to definitively cover his betrayal. Once we were sure that Tornado was not a Tyron target, we contacted Maddalena in order to get him (and our agent who could have become a target on his own, since he cooperated with us, even if he knew nothing) a new Identity and a new place to live, hoping that the poison in his veins won't produce a worse result in the future. For what concerns us, we hope that all the dust that was raised during our mission won't alert Tyron too much, before the situation gets worse. With an eye on this partial disaster, we make the proposition to work out our strategies better in the future.
