Mission Briefing:
Voltz's mission perfectly cleared the infestation problem, but we
could not afford to interfere with the human juridical system to
the point of breaking into a jail and extract the subjects. Our
policy on this topic hasn't changed, however it is the situation
that has taken an unexpected turn of events. After the "accident"
occurred to their plant, Tyron investigative teams set out to
understand what went wrong in their couterterrorist network and,
somehow, could trace the causes of the accident back to the leak
in their dumping system. Investigating over the matter finally
brought Tyron on the same path that Voltz so meticulously followed
before them. Like Voltz, Tyron came to the conclusion that the
father of the young girl now jailed in the Boston "Prison"
was poisoned by their dumped products and underwent a partial
transformation. They could not backtrack the terrorist activity
that destroyed their facility and so they could do nothing about
that side of the matter (about the information leak), but they
surely came to the conclusion that the two young guys in Boston
witnessed one of their creation in partial Crinos form and
probably mantained some fragmented memory of the fact deep in
their subconscious. To avoid that such fragments could ever
surface, they decided to extract them to avoid any further problem.
They will probably present to the authorities as member of some
F.B.I. or similar organization, willing to take care of the
children for any kind of reason. Given their nearly unlimited
resources, they will have little trouble convincing whoever is
guarding the place to turn the children to them in a perfectly
legal way; since it is very unlikely that we could counter Tyron
under this point of view, will have to wait for their extraction
to make our move... Once they will be legally extracted from the
place (surely to vanish into nothingness shortly thereafter) we
will try to seize the 2 subjects from Tyron hands and to free them
once and for all. Your team will probably face strong resistance
from the Tyron extraction team right from first contact and you
can bet they won't let you escape so easyly, so be prepared to
face multiple waves of attackers. You must keep the children safe
from harm and take them up to a recue point where we'll be able to
keep tyron forces at bay until we can put up a fake death for the
all of you so that Tyron won't try to follow your tracks. If you
can accomplish this, Maddalena will be able to provide fake
identities for the two children so that they can try to go back to
some kind of normal life... |