Name: Jennifer

"Britney On Line..."

NickName: Miss Turnabock    Full Name: Jennifer Britney Dorsey
Notes: Getting caught in the middle of an all-out war is never something good, but Jennifer was just too good to pass unseen. She, like Ekidna, attended University along with Maddalena and received a perfect education in every field, however, the one she excelled in, surpassing even her bat-winged friend, was netrunning and computer skills in general. By chance of fate, she ended up working for the N.Y.P.D. where her talent was immediately sighted by Cammy and Chun-Li that pulled her inside their Desperado lifestyle as their outside support and cover. While Jennifer has supreme potential and actually worked for NASA and FBI she found high level of burocracy too intricate and vicious for her good heart, and finding herself in need to help others she choosed to help them acting in the low ranks. As a police secretary, she began to loose faith in the possibility to help others just by typing on a keybord but that's when she met the two Supercops. With their super expansive behaviour they befriended her in no time, wiping out years of solitude as a sap student. Exalted by their enthusiasm she gladly joined their war against criminal organizations and she helped Cammy and Chun-Li to prepare fake documents and to cover up their fake pasts and stories. To the present day, she doesn't know about the Zooanthropic nature of her two friends, and doesn't even know that the New Scarlet Cobras exist; she still helps the team in virtue of the members's friendship with Cammy and Chun-Li, providing telematic infiltration and netrunning of supreme quality. She is in tight contact with the two police women of course, but she is also still in contact with her university mate Maddalena for wich she feels a sort of reverence, due more to her ability to deal with social interaction freely than to real skill inferiority.

Quote: "You are online? Okay, just let me jack in and you'll be employer of the month in that firm... What did you say the name was? Tyron... right?"


Jennifer Ekidna Bandit D.B. Prisma Priss
