...And find our target they did! In the bowels of
Rolento's fortress was hidden an highly teechnological complex, akin to a
Tyron laboratory, probably something Shugerg used to engeneer his mutant
soldiers. But the lab had much more than that: it housed some kind of
cryogenic prison. Therein, our pups were held slumbering perhaps already
undergoing some vicious VR brainwashing. But that was not all!
Investigating another Cryogenic cell our Bloody Roses made an amazing
discovery! One of their old comrades was also being kept in stasys! It was
the front line assault man called Leon who was, like Marvel, almost an
adoptive child to Gado. However, before freeing all of the hostages, Angel
and Lulu proceeded to inspect an heavily guarded store room: after
overcoming the guards they found the place overloaded with technologically
advanced weaporny and also another old Scarlet Cobras acquaintance: Gado's
Faithful Gatlilng Gun which he left when he departed seraching for Ogami.
At this point I briefed the whole squad about the mission success and Gado
called for everyone to cease fighting and to converge to the underground
complex to extract the "loot". I piloted by remote control the
chopper toward the fortress as soon as the others were ready to leave.
With one last big shoot-out we took off from that hellish place with what
we came for... But something was amiss... We were very, no, incredibly
good, but how was it possible that one such as Rolento could be overcome
without loss and with relatively low injuries? Besides, there were no sign
of any aerial chasers while we thought this could prove the direst menace
we'd have to face. Suddenly we were aware of it: it was a trap! Shugerg
knew that facing his old friend Gado in open combat would have depleted
much of his military resources so he tried to stop us without using his
full potential. As a countermeasure, however, he implanted in the rookies
some detonating devices ready to blow up minutes after they'd leave the
frotress: if the soldiers could not be lucky enough to stop us, we'd have
blown ourselves to pieces or we'd have to abadon the pups to their fate to
save ourselves. Luckyly, Shugerg miscalculeted this one: he knew that his
old acquaintances Marvel, Cammy and Gado had joined forces against him,
but he had little clues on who the others were and what skill did they
posess. In fact, this proved his clever plan undoing: Chun-Li is both a
top ranking defuser and perfectly knows anatomy, giving her
superior medical skills. With these she could extract and defuse the bombs
without too much injuries to the rookies and before they blew everyone up.
Perfect Success! We got back to HQ and put the pups to bed to recover from
this bad experience, hoping they did learn something from all this mess.
Although I know we should scold them for being so reckless, I must admit
that I am somehow happy they screwed up: it's not everyday you can take
part in such a glorious Mission! |