2 Days of the Old Lion

Members Involved

Chun Li (Violent Storm) Cammy (Fast Reload) Gado (Le Roi) Leon (Lion Heart) Marvel (Battle Shroud)
Lulu (Lightning Eyes) Angel (Ceramic Arms) Yugo (Pain Buster) Maddalena

Mission Relator
The One who filled the Report: Maddalena

"Wow! This was really a blast! Coordinating this mission was rellay something fun. With the pups in distress the Old Lion didn't think twice before grabbing his Trusted Battle Axe and get the whole team scrambling! And not only did we save the day, we also got to take another member home!"


Part 1: Veni

The Report or this mission should be fairly short, since it was practically a never-ending bullet spray and claw slashing, so don't expect much literature. There is much that can't be written down, however. Seeing the commander and his (our, actually) team in action goes really beyond words. Not only for the sheer power displayed, but because just looking at how the Old Lion walks the battlefield you can tell that he really believes in every word he says, in every oath he swears. I know many of you think I'm a cynic and perhaps it's true, so you can understand what it means if I tell you that even I was deeply moved by the heroics displayed in this operation.
But back to the Report: the insertion went as expected, even if Marvel flew low under the radar coverage, in the end the team was sighted by sentries who immediately raised the alarm status. The opposing military forces dispatcehd patrols to investigate over the mysterious chopper and so we camouflaged it in the desert sands. Conflict was however unavoidable at this point as the troops already closed on us, so the squad put up a fierce resistance and the assaulting team was devastated before knowing what had befall on them.

Part 2: Vidi

After this successful drop-off I led the team to an hiding place some klicks away from the landing zone and waited for the second wave of assaulters. Once we could circumvent this even more consistent attack, Gado decided it was time for the main course: I thus pointed them straight toward the Shugerg Fortress taking advantage of the reduced number of soldiers (who left to check on their comrades). It is unnecessary to say that a direct clash was not in our intentions, since it could fully alert Rolento of our presence leading him to a hasty retreat and probably to the place detonation itself. Resorting to the team members superior stealth skills the squad split its effort on three objectives:
1. A diversive action to draw the enemy attention away from the following operations
2. Sabotage the surveillance room
3. Find the Cell blocks were the rookies were being held
True to their names, Camy and Chun-Li slipped like Killer Shadows toward the heart of the surveillance network and placed the hacking device I needed to take over the place eyes and hears. Meanwhile Gado, Marvel and Yugo were wrecking some havoc on the weapon storage trying to keep their real skills concealed to avoid sending the enemy to maximum alert.
With this accomplished Angel and Lulu could almost safely explore the underground complex in order to find our main target...

Part 3: Vici

...And find our target they did! In the bowels of Rolento's fortress was hidden an highly teechnological complex, akin to a Tyron laboratory, probably something Shugerg used to engeneer his mutant soldiers. But the lab had much more than that: it housed some kind of cryogenic prison. Therein, our pups were held slumbering perhaps already undergoing some vicious VR brainwashing. But that was not all! Investigating another Cryogenic cell our Bloody Roses made an amazing discovery! One of their old comrades was also being kept in stasys! It was the front line assault man called Leon who was, like Marvel, almost an adoptive child to Gado. However, before freeing all of the hostages, Angel and Lulu proceeded to inspect an heavily guarded store room: after overcoming the guards they found the place overloaded with technologically advanced weaporny and also another old Scarlet Cobras acquaintance: Gado's Faithful Gatlilng Gun which he left when he departed seraching for Ogami. At this point I briefed the whole squad about the mission success and Gado called for everyone to cease fighting and to converge to the underground complex to extract the "loot". I piloted by remote control the chopper toward the fortress as soon as the others were ready to leave. With one last big shoot-out we took off from that hellish place with what we came for... But something was amiss... We were very, no, incredibly good, but how was it possible that one such as Rolento could be overcome without loss and with relatively low injuries? Besides, there were no sign of any aerial chasers while we thought this could prove the direst menace we'd have to face. Suddenly we were aware of it: it was a trap! Shugerg knew that facing his old friend Gado in open combat would have depleted much of his military resources so he tried to stop us without using his full potential. As a countermeasure, however, he implanted in the rookies some detonating devices ready to blow up minutes after they'd leave the frotress: if the soldiers could not be lucky enough to stop us, we'd have blown ourselves to pieces or we'd have to abadon the pups to their fate to save ourselves. Luckyly, Shugerg miscalculeted this one: he knew that his old acquaintances Marvel, Cammy and Gado had joined forces against him, but he had little clues on who the others were and what skill did they posess. In fact, this proved his clever plan undoing: Chun-Li is both a top ranking defuser and perfectly knows anatomy, giving her superior medical skills. With these she could extract and defuse the bombs without too much injuries to the rookies and before they blew everyone up.
Perfect Success! We got back to HQ and put the pups to bed to recover from this bad experience, hoping they did learn something from all this mess. Although I know we should scold them for being so reckless, I must admit that I am somehow happy they screwed up: it's not everyday you can take part in such a glorious Mission!
