Weapon Customization WorkShop

"You need some Upgrade?"

"The custom equipment mentioned in My Armoury is available to every member of the Scarlet Cobras, but many of us usually rely on special or personal Equip rather than general one. You can have your personal Gun too, but there are a few requirements. First of all, you must get permission by yuor Commander, such equipment is expensive to make and it's not meant as a toy for spoiled brats, then you should prove you are worthy of such gift (i.e. pay a Credit Price). Third, remember that no matter how well you perform, you won't be allowed to be fully geared up in custom equip: posessing just one of this artillery pieces is a great honor, before aquiring a second, you'll have to send this world flying... So, follow my guide (presented right below) to the creation of your Custom weapon, and have fun!"

Aya's Guide to Weapon Customization

Chapter 1

Time to Take Out the Big Guns...

Custom Weapons

Weapon Customization is really simple (as long as you are not a Gunsmith and you don't have to do the all the work, of course): all you have to do is choosing a Weapon Frame to which you can attach a number of options. Options vary widely, from a different Caliber of bullets to Foldable Stock and so on. The maximum number of option is restricted by the kind of frame you choose, but don't worry: you can increase such number, you only have to spend more credits! (Lots of credits to be true) The Price Increase will be listed under the Frame Profile and is to be applied for every time you buy an additional option. The Options themselves are all for free, no matter if you buy the Magnum option or the Personal Holster: they are all the same, you only have to respect the above mentioned Maximum Number of Options. Of course there are some limitations: taking the Personal Holster for an Assault Rifle is simply ridicule as it would be a Silencer option for a Missile Launcher. Once you Acquire such Equipment by spending the listed Credit Cost, it becomes part of your Standard Equipment and becomes something like a "Personal Posession": you'll begin your assignements already with it, without the need of spending a single credit ever again.


Standard Frame

Description: The Choice of this Frame simply means that you choose one of the weapons listed in the Gear Room, and tell me what kind of Custom Options you want me to apply to it. The weapon will generally look a bit different from its common version even if the Options do not have a visible effect: the weapon will always look like a masterpiece and surely won't pass unnoticed as a common piece of artillery. Cosmetical add-on (like incision or bone crafted handgrip) are included as a free bonus for all those who care (at no additional cost and does not count against the Option Limit)

Number of Options: 3 Credit Cost: Normal Weapon Cost x3

Additional Options Cost: Add a x1 multiplier to the Credit Cost for every Additional Option that you choose to install. This means that the total Cost if you wish your Custom Weapon to have 6 Options is the Base Weapon Cost x6. The Base Weapon Cost is the Cost listed in the Gear Room.

Custom Frame

Description: This Frame represents any weapon that does not presently exist, like a giant Machine Gun or a Double Barreled Grenade Launcher (???). Such Weapon is built on a precise wish of the future owner and requires great coordination between the Customer (You) and the Gunsmith (Me). The result is always a unique piece of artillery usually not replycable on an industrial scale. (Such weapon statistics are to be concorded with the Storyteller by taking into account Weapons with a similar Frame already existing and modelling upon them a slightly stronger version. The Weapon efficiency will Reflect in the Weapon Credit Cost).

Number of Options: 1 Credit Cost: To be Concorded with the Gunsmith

Additional Options Cost: For every Additional Option, the Credit Cost is Raised by 50%. Note that such increase adds up for every Option bought, so for the 2nd Additional Option bought the increase is of the 100% to the original price, not by increasing the 150% base price resulted from the fisrt Additional Option by another 50%.


Magnum Bullets

Description: The Weapon is Rechambered to house a stronger version of its ammounition, thus increasing its offensive power.

Game Effects: Add +1 Die of Damage.

Weapons Allowed: All those using bullets (even those that should be already using magnum bullets).

Description: Laser Sight Mounted under the Barrel, allows the User to see where he's shooting.

Game Effects: Lowers by One the Difficulty to shoot.

Weapons Allowed: All those having a barrel (Some weapons do not however allow the Laser Sight/Torch Option).

Personal Handgrip

Description: These are expert made to fit your hand perfectly, and no one else's.

Game Effects: Add +1 Die to Accuracy.

Weapons Allowed: All.


Description: A Flash Suppressor together with a Silencer greatly increases the chances to pass unnoticed when the weapon is fired. Differently from the more common version, this Silencer is built fused to the weapon and doesn't need to be changed after any number of shots.

Game Effects: The Weapon is considered Silenced.

Weapons Allowed: All except Heavy.

Targeting Scope

Description: This Permits a better Long Distance Shooting by magnifing the target image.

Game Effects: Add +2 Dice to Accuracy on long distance aimed shooting.

Weapons Allowed: Revolvers and Assault Rifles.

Description: This is a high power spotlight focused down to a very narrow beam. When fitted onto a weapon the beam is narrow enough to only illuminate the target, with a dark spot in the spotlights centre where the weapon will hit.

Game Effects: Add +1 Die to Accuracy, Negates fighting penalities due to darkness, Can be used to blind targets.

Weapons Allowed: All those having a barrel (Some weapons do not however allow the Laser Sight/Torch Option).


Description: And extendible Bipod attached to the weapon barrel, it helps stabilizing theh weapon for a better accuracy. Unlike the Standard version, this Bipod is built with the very weapon and can be housed inside for maximum quickness in action (and extraction),

Game Effects: Lowers by One the Difficulty to shoot only to single, aimed shoots.

Weapons Allowed: Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Bullet using Heavy Weapons.

Gas Vents

Description: This Vents System is designed to expel the gasses generated from the shot from the top of the weapon, thus compensating for the recoil that would push the Barrel up. This lowers penalties for automatic fire, but the weapon cannot be silenced.

Game Effects: Shooting in Auto-Firo only raises difficulty by 1, intead of 2.

Weapons Allowed: All those having a single barrel and being capable of automatic fire.

Folding Stock

Description: The weapon stock can be folded someway, thus requiring less space for transport. This Option can be also mounted on weapons which normally don't have stocks, in that case, it helps bettering weapon stability and, thus, precision.

Game Effects: Betters Concealability by one class for Long weapons, or raises it by 1 (if extended) for small ones, but lowers Difficulty to shoot by 1. If the weapon is fired without extending the stock, however, Difficulty raises by 1 due to bad balance or bad grip. (this does not apply to Sub-Machine Guns)

Weapons Allowed: All except Heavy.

Brass Bag

Description: Fitted over the ejection port of a cased weapon, a brass catching bag collects the spent cases as they are ejected. This not only makes the weapon slightly quieter, it also collects the evidence of your firing rather than letting it be scattered across the area.

Game Effects: Prevents Intelligence from locating the shooter location, Avoids minor problems with spent cases (like getting underfoot).

Weapons Allowed: All except Heavy.

Double Set Triggers

Description: When at extreme distances, even the slightest movement of the gun can be the difference between hitting and missing. A double set trigger is in two parts. The first part acts as a normal trigger, and the second acts as a hair trigger with a very light draw. At long range the first trigger is drawn back until the weapon is ready to fire, then it is fired using the second, lighter trigger so that the final trigger pull doesn't knock the weapon off target.

Game Effects: Add +1 Dice to Accuracy on long distance aimed shooting.

Weapons Allowed: Revolvers, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles.

Extended Magazine

Description: Magazine with +50% or more rounds. These magazines are longer and wider than normal mags and make the weapon slower on a quick draw.

Game Effects: Raise Magazine Capacity by 50% (obviously). Lowers Initiative by 2 if the Weapon isn't already ready to fire in hand.

Weapons Allowed: Automatics, SMGs, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles.

Helix Clip

Description: Helix magazines are long tubular magazines with the rounds held in spirals. They can hold 50 rounds of pistol ammunition in a tube the size of a can of beer.

Game Effects: Raise Magazine Capacity to 50 Rounds. Worsens Concealability Class by 1 class.

Weapons Allowed: Automatics, SMGs, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles.

Drum Feed

Description: Drum feed weapons use a large capacity sprung drum instead of a simple vertical clip.

Game Effects: Raise Magazine Capacity by 200%. Makes the Weapon Impossible to Conceal.

Weapons Allowed: Non Automatic Shotguns.

Non-Metallic Frame

Description: Weapons made from ceramics and plastics are invisible to metal detectors in airports and other secure buildings.

Game Effects: Can bypass many surveillance systems.

Weapons Allowed: All.

Dual Ammo Feed

Description: A weapon equipped with a dual ammo feed has two magazines and can switch between them as easily as flipping a switch. The two magazines can hold different types of ammunition and be switched as needed, or they can be set to fire one round from each magazine in turn.

Game Effects: Can Use two different types of ammo without needing to remove clips.

Weapons Allowed: All except revolvers, automatics and single shot shotguns.


Description: Foregrips allow the user to use both hands to steady a weapon, making it easier to control the recoil of automatic fire.

Game Effects: Shooting in Auto-Fire only raises difficulty by 1, instead of 2. Can make impossible the use of some underbarrel Options.

Weapons Allowed: SMGs, Machine Guns, Assault Rifles.

Personal Holster

Description: An Holster Studied for your own extraction style, your Gun is always were you want it to be.

Game Effects: +1 on Initiative, but only in a Fast Draw Situation.

Weapons Allowed: Revolvers, Handguns and One-Handed SMGs.

Chapter 2

Empowered Tools

The Steps to create an Empowered Tools are easier under the Game Mechanic Aspect, but involve quite a deal of Storytelling System (that is, the Storyteller good judging ability). The cost for the creation of an Empowered Tool  is a Standard 1500 Cr for every Level of the Empowered Tool itself (I hereby remember you that what we call here Empowered Tool is what White Wolf calls "Fetish"). From the Level chosen will directly depend the level of power the Weapon (or Item) will have; the exact nature of such powers, however are to be concorded with the Storyteller and he has the final saying on if it is balanced or not for the level you choose (in this part you'll also have to concord the Empowered Tool Gnosis rating). You must, as a last step, pay the Background price in experience point which is 3 points for the first dot and 3x your current value for subsequent Dots.

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