The Long Way Home

Members Involved

Ramon (Fandango) Voltz (Mega) Sion (Supersonic) Kain (Omega) Fey Lee Lara (Luna) Jin (Solaar)

Mission Relator
The One who filled the Report: Kain
"When you touch the bottom, things can only get worse. Not only we were confused and shaken for what happened in Sylicon Ville and doubtful about our future, We also had to be involved in a Racial fight in an unknown countryside town! I won’t discuss here of the uselessness of such war, but this mission perhaps taught us to have a more "professional" attitude, as a Chinese friend used to say… Up to this day I ask myself who the hell that old lady was …"


Part 1: Lost in America

After the Rocking Escape from Sylicon Ville the team found itself facing the main difficulty that made impossible for them to leave the city up to that time: the Desert. After many days of forced march, the vehicle broke down, forcing them to a series of crafty engineering. Given the unquestionable death of the vehicle, the team divided in order to find an alternative transportation and some food. However, even if they were advised not to try to communicate with the Scarlet Cobras HQ or any of their acquaintances since their commo would have been under surveillance, Fey Lee Chang found easier calling a local rent service to get a private helicopter to have the job done. Tyron members, waiting for even the smallest sign from the young fugitives, caught the call and scrambled into action, preparing an assault team in the helicopter the young were waiting for. The Scarlet Cobras HQ, meanwhile, was unable to recover the team immediately, due to already discussed shortage of manpower and impossibility to have the operation covered. This locked the situation in Tyron’s hounds clear favor, since they were already converging on the team position. It was only by sheer luck that the situation took a better turn. The team made up by Kain, Ramon and Jin, in fact, got to a near town where, albeit unknowingly, they immediately got into trouble, for they entered a pub belonging to the Afro-American side of the town. In fact, the little town was deeply divided by a fanatical racial hate fueled by the white men hate and old nazist ideals. Ignoring this fact, Ramon De La Cruz picked a fight outside the pub, nearly provoking a general righteous upheaval in the "Black Side". Only the intervention of a FBI officer avoided disaster. Anyway, after answering the routine questions of the FBI, the young members were allowed to stay in town until the officers would be able to clear their position (the official coverage was that they were members of a special military academy and were in a Solo Live training); the other team members, still waiting outside of town, were thus able to reach their buddies, leaving the position where, only an hour or so after, Tyron Termination Team would have touched ground only to find the empty carcass of the broken van. Had they stayed there just a little longer they would have been goners for sure… Upon examining the situation, the enemy team easily understood that the fugitives had probably found haven in some of the nearby towns, but they could not inspect the right one for it was under FBI tutelage and an eventual fight with the subjects would have given away their positions. Anyhow, the team members joined together again in town.

Part 2: Troubles In Sight

While the military academy cover, even if difficult to believe, seemed to hold, it broke completely apart when Sion Barzhad presented himself by plunging his huge 2-Handed Sword into the ground in front of the FBI officers, this obiouvsly led to the arrest of the presents with the exception of Jin Kurokawa who wasn’t there at the moment and was not found by the local authorities. While imprisoned, the Team came to know that the town was under FBI inspection for a murder happened and the body of the young black boy killed was never found, and neither were found his killers. This undoubtedly fueled the already present hate that devoured the town. Moreover, the Afro-American population was under the unjust pressure of the white side since all the positions of power were held by the white community and used against the black one. Among the "powerful" people that led the white community there was an old lady that, while her behavior gave her away as a crazy old hag, seemed to feel the different nature of the young team members. Using her influence she tried to put the team into a bad light in front of the police officers they tried to befriend in order to escape their confinement. By this very police officers, they learned the existence of a local Ku Klux Klan cell that was preparing to strike a blow to the black community and, through deceit, the team made the policemen trust them as allies in the fight for "white man racial supremacy"  acquiring important details on the future planning of the dark organization. While the FBI officer was trying to calm the resentment for the team members and the policemen were pressing them to join their cause physically, the old Dalia Galespie (the above mentioned old lady) convinced the white men of the team inadequacy for their cause, so they were forced to escape jail to avoid direct confrontation. This was possible thanks to Solaar who provided the necessary equip and support and, with a flashbang and a Crinos Change, the Team was free. Just before leaving, the team came to know that a Ku Klux Klan expedition comprising the local judge and all the police staff was ready to depart, so, they got back to town and informed the FBI officer personally of the fact. While he did not want to let them get away without knowing who they were, he had to accept the team gift and run to solve the situation, letting them escape. The team got one of the white men’s van and left town, while the FBI caught all the Klan members in a trap and so, Justice was Done.

Part 3: Home Sweet Home

Even if they left the town unharmed, the young men left behind them a long trail of unsolved matters firsts of which were the Old Lady true identity and the fact that a FBI officer met a group of military men in full combat gear that vanished after solving his case. However, this mattered little in the hearts the young members, for they could finally get back home. After yet another long run the young Zooanthropes team managed to get back in Los Angeles, where they met the other members of the New Scarlet Cobras and they were able to join the organization, even if the doubts persisted and they could not ever get back to a normal life. At this point they began their first training to become Real Scarlet Cobras. To the sorrow of the whole organization, one of the young members decided not to join the team, due to an internal clash with his lifestyle and martial training.
