Trasmission Overload...

"When you select a Scarlet Cobras member (or any other external aid) as your support for your upcoming mission, the selected character should be equipped using the budget provided by the mission credits. This means that the Support Character WILL NOT be able to spend his own personal credits to buy his equipment or pool up with your credits to get any extra equip for your team. This in turn generally means that you must purchase weapons and armors for this character from scratch for he would be nearly naked. However, I decided to introduce a Standard Equipment for every character that is automatically purchased and equipped at the beginning of the mission. Note that this equip belongs strictly to the character himself and probably he won't give it away unless there is a very good reason; also note that, as in the standard equip purchase, any listed weapon is fully loaded and all ammo listed is in addition to the full load already mentioned"

Chun-Li's Standard Equipment

Chun-Li (Black Lotus)
Weapon of Choice: Chun-Li's Light Assault Shotgun
Sidearm: Chun-Li's Trigun Revolver
Support Weapons: 8 Frag Grenades, 4 Incendiary Grenades, 3 Flashbang Grenades
Melee Weapon: Chun-Li's Freeman Three-Sction Staff, Garrote
Armor: Scarlet Cobras Full Uniform or S.C.U.I.S.
Other Equipment:

6 Revolver Speed Loaders (Standard Ammo), 3 Hollow Point Revolver Speed Loaders, 3 APE Revolver Speed Loaders, 1 Reversed Ogive Revolver Speed Loader, 35 Shotgun Shells (Standard Ammo), 20 Fireball Shotgun Shells, 6 C-4 Explosive Charges, Defuse Kit.

Scarlet Cobras Special Equipment:
Power Gloves, Battle Boots, Grappling Hook, Taser Hand, High Uniform, Red Beret, S.C.U.I.S., Tiger Crest Level 3 (+1 to Str & Gnosis, Avenger Skill Set), 1 Ki Leopard Tag, 1 Fury Bull Tag
(Bold Italic entries are special or custom equipment or Empowerd Tools)
Also See the:
See the Character File!!